J Litter
Born July 1, 2012

SG Fantom vom Waldestraum SchH3 KK1 X V Devony de Locherie SchH3 KK1

  • Fantom is the 2009, 2010, and 2012 Mid East Regional Champion

  • Fantom’s hips are rated OFA Good

  • Fantom is a beautiful dark sable color. This color is highly prized in the breed’s native country, Germany.

  • Devony received a “V” in conformation and KK1 under SV Judge Dieter Oeser on June 12th-13th, 2010.

  • She earned her SchH3 under SV Judge Heinz Gerdes on July 25th, 2010 with a score of 92-93-99=284.

  • OFA (The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) certified Devony’s hips as EXCELLENT.  This is the highest rating they give.

The puppies have arrived!  3 males and 1 female.  Two of the males and the female are a very dark sable color.  The other male is a bi-color black and tan.


Picture of pups at 2 weeks


  Puppy #1 (Male) Puppy #2 (Male) Puppy #3 (Female) Puppy #4 (Male)
Just Born
1 Week
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4.5 Weeks